Review of Father of Storms

Review of Father of Storms

Review of Father of Storms Author Dean Jones Published by Black Dog Publishing A 5 Star read from me. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐     Imagine losing everything you loved as well as the future you’d wished for so long to come true There is something satisfying about reading a...

You won’t be disappointed

I feel as though I’ve been on the most magical and transcendent journey. The worlds that Colin Sinclair has created along with the wonderful characters are mesmerizing. I highly recommend Elji and the Galrass. You won’t be disappointed. It’s the best...

A right good read!!

I read this after having it recommended to me. It’s not the genre I’d normally read but I found myself transported. A right good read!! Owen Kindle Edition

A Must Read

I’ve been reading this Genre for many many years. I’ve not come across a book written with such passion. A brilliant read from the start. You are immersed into a world like no other and you just can’t put it down. Can’t wait for more. Simon...

Great Start to the series.

This is a fascinating start to Colin Sinclair’s series. I went in not knowing anything about the book and finding it was unlike any fantasy book I had read up until this point. Lovely flowing prose carries an interesting plot and even more interesting concepts about...

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